Lots happening at the Allotment

The Plot 42 Community Allotment has recently launched as a new partnership between Gateshead Carers, Best of Bensham, and the Oxford Terrace & Rawling Road Medical Group. Our allotment is a space for people to get some light exercise, spend time outdoors, engage with others, and learn about growing food and healthy eating; all in a safe environment. We are hoping to open the allotment to individuals and small groups of carers for some respite time and to host some outdoor activities very soon!

Plot 42 Community Allotment

Getting Involved

Beneficiaries and volunteers from across the Best of Besham Collaborative can be referred to the allotment. People can get involved at any level which suits them, including simply visiting Plot 42. If you'd like to get involved, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Claire Parker or sign up here.

Community Collaboration

As of February 2021, our allotment opened up to the wider Gateshead community. GP patients can now be prescribed gardening as a way of improving physical and mental health. There are a lot of friendly faces from the Best of Bensham collaborative too, in particular, Tom Robinson has been a great help in transforming and maintaining our allotment.