Donate to Gateshead Carers Donate Fundraise We believe that no carer should feel alone and that all unpaid carers feel supported in their caring role, or feel supported to stop providing care if that's what they choose. 1 in 3 of us will be a carer at some point in our lives! There are some 6.4 million unpaid carers in the UK who are looking after an ill, older or disabled family member, friend or partner. Society becomes increasingly dependent on the contribution of unpaid carers, who save the economy £132 billion per year (Carers UK). Caring, however, can have a big impact on a person's physical and mental wellbeing, as well as affecting them financially. Some of the impacts include loss of identity; poor self-esteem; poor quality of life, physical health problems, particularly problems with bad backs; relationship difficulties with the person they care for and other family members or friends; and stress, anxiety or depression. Carers frequently tell us that do not recognise themselves as a carer; it’s just what a wife, brother, mum, son, friend, or neighbour does! Sadly it is often only when things become too much and at a crisis point that a carer reaches out for help. Our wellbeing programme is specifically designed to reach out to carers early on in their caring role, discuss different coping strategies and ensure that carers know what their rights are and what is available to support them within their community. Our programme is reaching out to more and more carers across the whole of Gateshead but we need your support to help us to make even more connections and to offer carer cafes, wellbeing sessions, drop-ins and more in every ward in the borough. Last year, we provided 2409 carers with 1-2- personalised support, with 1028 carers accessing our support for the very first time. We held 235 wellbeing activity group sessions and supported 19 different BAME language communities. We’re reaching out to more and more carers but need your help to do so. Please donate today. Manage Cookie Preferences