CARERS WEEK 2020 (8-14 June)


Carers Week is an annual campaign that aims to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges carers face and recognise the contribution carers make to families & communities throughout the UK. Every year we organise and deliver events that bring together a range of organisations and support agencies from across the region. Our events aim to raise awareness of caring whilst offering help, support and information to unpaid carers and their families who are living in Gateshead. If you would like to get involved with Carers Week in Gateshead this year, please call us on 0191 4900121.

Caring can be a hugely rewarding experience but carers often find it challenging to take care of their own wellbeing whilst caring, and find that their contribution to society is not recognised and celebrated. Its impact on all aspects of life, from relationships and health to finances and work, should not be underestimated. Caring without the right information and support can be tough.

There are 6.5 million people in the UK who are carers, but they often feel isolated; carers are 7 times more likely to say they are lonely than the general population. They will be looking after a family member or friend who has a disability, mental or physical illness, or who needs extra help as they grow older. Everyone has a part to play in making sure carers are seen, heard, and understood; and helping them to get the support they need to care. This could include an employer setting up a carers' network, a GP practice offering an annual health check or alternative appointment times to carers, or a leisure centre offering special deals.

This Carers Week, we're coming together to help Make Caring Visible.

Every year in Gateshead, we organise and deliver events that bring together a range of organisations and support agencies from across the region. Although we can’t be together in person this year, we can still celebrate virtually and so we will be holding a special virtual Carers Party in the Park

How to get involved 

As always, our party in the park is free to enter! We have a number of ‘stalls’ that you can visit at our virtual party and we would love you to take lots of photos or videos and enter them in the ‘Stall’ categories below: 

Our stalls include our Wellbeing Tent, Blooming Marvellous Flower Show, Get Crafty Stall, Scrufts Pet Show and a special Spotify Music Playlist! 

A panel of our volunteers will judge their favourite entries into each category and these will be used to produce a very special Gateshead Carers 2021 Calendar!!!   

We particularly would love you to share your top tips for keeping well, top healthy recipes to share and your Top of the World photos - the one that makes you smile when you look at it!

We look forward to helping to Make Caring Visible and to seeing you at our virtual party! 

Other Ways to Support Carers

Carers Week is a time when we can all do our bit to raise awareness and support carers in our community, in addition to joining us at our virtual events, here are a few ideas on what else you can do… Connect with Gateshead Carers via our Facebook page and stay up to date with all the latest news and events. If you follow us on Twitter you can use #CarersWeek and #MakingCaringVisible to stay up to date with the latest Carers Week developments across the UK.

Find out more about Carers Week 2020