Are your flowers blooming marvellous? Share your photos of your beautiful flowers in bloom. Perhaps you are growing vegetables – upload a photo of the biggest and best!

ENTRIES NOW CLOSED - Check back later to see who has made it onto our 2021 Wall Calendar!


Our lettuces-in-a-pot are growing beautifully - Amanda

Blooming Marvellous Tulips! Such a lovely surprise when this gift planted earlier in the year suddenly popped up! - Nikki

Small but great colour - Stewart

First Pink of the season by Stewart

First "Pink" of the season - Stewart

Potatoes and leeks growing nicely. It took me a full day and some sun burn to build this polly tunnel, this is my 2nd year of growing and I’m still loving it as much as my 1st - Kristy

"Vegetable surprise" - Anonymous Parent Carer

This year's Geraniums are looking fantastic along with my recently upcycled table and chair - Anonymous Parent Carer

First crop of apples - Jo

I can’t take credit for these but wanted to share the gorgeous lilies grown by our lovely neighbours Michelle and Richard - Amanda

I enjoy noticing insects visiting different plants. These bees are sheltering from light rain under the raspberry buds - Lucy

These mustard leaf self seeded from last year’s plants. I appreciate the variations... some green, purple, frilly and all shades between. Plus they are delicious in salad, or in an egg sandwich - Lucy

We are really excited about the prospect of strawberries! It’s nice to have something to look forward to - Lucy

They might not look much yet, but this is the 4th batch of runner beans I have tried to germinate, and I’m so pleased this lot have finally taken! The conditions must have been not quite right on the previous lots - Lucy

Newly planted sweetcorn - Jo

I'm really enjoying potting my planters and getting out in my lovely garden - Moira

White Rose - Stuart

They may not be a be a flower but this family of gnomes do live in the garden (usually) - Susan

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